REALLY GREAT WORK from our second assignment (2) free Tabletop Workshop for those who are not able to get out and do things. And for those of you who are, but just want to up your skills.

For information on the class.

Here are the top ten images this week:

How To Find Your Style (Video)

How To Find Your Style (Video)

How to Find Your Style in Photography. We find it looking back at our output, not ahead at someone else’s. Imitate. Assimilate. Innovate. - Clark Terry It is not what you shoot, it is how you shoot what you shoot. Most of us start out shooting everything that comes in...

The Top 10% Club and the $10,000 Gig

The Top 10% Club and the $10,000 Gig

I discuss the 10% rule. It's easy to get to 50% in your art. Then it gets progressively harder. Breaking into the 80% is hard, and many photographers work to stay in that group hoping to push into the 90% group. The ninety...

Planning for a Portrait: What Gear Do I Bring

Planning for a Portrait: What Gear Do I Bring Gear List: I would say that there are three levels of shooting, and unless I know ABSOLUTELY what I am walking into, I take it all. That said: Level one. Quick, on location shoot. 2 booms, C-stands 4 additional stands Tripod...

Behind the Image: Shoes

Behind the Image: Shoes

The assignment was to shoot men's or women's shoes. Keeping in mind all the parameters that shooting footwear demands, the photographers did a wonderful job. Here are a few of the best.

One Image: One Vision

One Image: One Vision

Here is our first "One Image / One Vision" online sharing meet. Each photographer has chosen a favorite image and will have a few minutes to discuss it. Helpful and positive feedback is encouraged. Our photographs: [gallery columns="4" link="file"...