Selina Maitreya’s new course is something that is as unique as it gets. It is fresh, fun, exciting and with such a personal twist to the usual consultants approach, that you will be quite amazed. I have been working with the first month, and just received the second month to work on.

I love it. It is nothing like I would have imagined it to be. From solid, hard core photo information, to daily affirmations and meditations, it is a completely holistic approach to being a creative person. I am a photographer, designer, and marketing professional. I am using this information for all three of my channels, and it is becoming a pretty powerful part of what I am about these days.

Selina has created this so that people can sign up for a month at a time, or the whole thing. It runs in a specific order, so whenever you start, you start at the beginning. She takes you through the program with audio files, and PDF’s to print out, and even includes webinars and podcasts that are timely and integrated into it.

From Selina’s page:
The three most common obstacles to thriving success:

1. No body of work. Or, an out-of-shape body of wrong work. Build the book that reps, agents and employers only put down to call you.
2. Fear. Get past it with real insight, information and inspiration you’ll find on The Photographer’s Path.
3. Paralysis. Overcome the inability to make a move, make a change, make a sound. Free your mind, your hands and your work.

Her approach is to take you to new thought processes, new ways of working, and help you discover your own power within. It is a very well thought out approach.

Below is our conversation. Listen in as we discuss how the traditional paths have changed or simply do not exist, how shooting creative (tests) are vital to your business and creativity, and the ways that the internet has provided more good info than ever before, but also more bad information than ever before.

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Thanks so much to Selina for spending some time with us today. And if you are interested in this new, exciting and very powerful program, click here for more information.

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