40 Pictures from the Pool on Lighting Essentials

John Groseclose shot our cover this post. Fitting, since John and I are teaching a CLS (Creative Lighting System) workshop tomorrow at my studio. It will be an event to remember. For me anyway… for a lot of reasons. If you want to know all about how incredible the Nikon CLS System is, watch the site for a lot of incredible information from John.

This week starts a terrifically busy two weeks ever for me. I am doing something that will take a ton of time and organization, but in the end we will have something that will make the workshops here in Phoenix even more fun. Stay tuned.

There are a lot of good posts on this site that I want to bring to this front page. Not sure a lot of folks are hitting the archives, so here are some oldies but goodies for your perusal.

We are getting ready for the end of the year workshops now, and Florida’s incredible 3 day workshop is now open for registration. See the LearntoLight page for more information. We are also starting to get our next years workshops in line. If you have a destination for us, let us know.

Learn to Light at a weekend workshop

I love good photography, and I follow a lot of shooters online and through print. There is so many incredible images being made these days. Wow, it knocks me out. And I love to see the images that flow through our Lighting Essentials Flickr Pool as well. Seeing the people who belong and some of the images from the workshops just… well, it just makes me smile. Photography is going through a lot of changes these days. But in the end, the power of the still image is not diminished.

Take a few moments and view some 40 images from the pool here. As usual, each image is linked to the photographer’s page, so if you especially like the work, drop by and tell them how much.

As always, I appreciate my sponsors on the right side, and please take a look if you are in the hunt for a website, online proofing, gear, or lens rental.

Trumpet Player (5D3-2193)

The Day The World Went Away

just chillin by the weird graff

Lana - Rome (Ps)


Leaning Chair of Keeza

Jenn 2


Chillin at 13,796 Feet

Rachel at sunset

Jessika with a "k"

Let me in! please

1960s At The Custard Factory -Marvin



Brittney flowers

Zaea Session One

Pretty Lady Sitting On The Mission Steps

Day 198 | 365 - Compuer Geek

Sarah ii Sepia


Angie (5)


Lips | 1

The Seller

Toni Tusio


Somer, Sepia

Calla Lilly II

Carpark portrait

20090810-ranie preggo n 172-Edit





Sue by the sea

Photographic art

Thanks for taking a moment to view these amazing pieces of art by the photographers who belong to the Flickr Lighting Essentials Forum. We are doing the a workshop this weekend for CLS, so there will be more shots coming soon from our talented photographers.