Project 52 Photographer, Christopher Bersbach checks in with his thoughts on Project 52.
“I had been a follower of Lighting Essentials, as well as several other online photography resources, for a while before Don started Project 52. s a self-taught photographer, I had relied primarily on these online resources to beef up my technical knowledge, while clumsily muddling through the artistic and business end of my photography on my own. Project 52 offered me the opportunity to work on all three of these aspects of my work together, with feedback from peers with a variety of different backgrounds and experience, and under the guidance of an experienced (if somewhat curmudgeonly) professional.
The biggest challenge of jumping into Project 52 was stepping outside of my comfort zone. My personal work (heck, before P52 all of my work was “personal work”) is almost all people, and definitely all editorial in approach. The still life and other commercial-style work that we were shooting was different, and I’ve spent the better part of the year learning how to approach these assignments. The second major challenge that I faced was simply submitting my work for critique. Not only critique from Don’s professional viewpoint, but also from all of the incredible photographers that have participated in Project 52 throughout the year. Interestingly, some of the assignments that were the most outside of my comfort zone were the ones on which I received some of the most positive feedback.
What I’ve learned is a product of wrestling with these challenges. I shoot some of my best work when I’m challenged. If I’m anxious about trying something – asking a stranger for a portrait, shooting in a different style, working a subject for a little bit longer – that’s a sure sign that I need to run that gauntlet, both for the potential image, and for my personal growth as a photographer. And definitely pre-visualize, pre-visualize, pre-visualize. And then pre-visualize some more.”
See more from Chris and a look at his portfolio after the jump.
Some images from Chris’s portfolio:
“I’m a lucky guy to have a steady job that I enjoy, but other side of the coin is that I have to be very deliberate with my time in order to continue to develop my photography (pardon the pun). I’m planning to participate in Project 52 again in 2012, although I will probably be missing assignments here and there, in order to make time to shoot a a couple personal projects that have been rattling around in my brain over the last year. I’m also looking forward to spending more energy on the business side of my photography, to continue to foster awareness in my small local market of who I am and the type of work that I do.”
Christopher Bersbach
San Luis Obispo, California
Christopher Bersbach About.Me
twitter: @chrisbersbach
Flickr: organicmatter
Thanks Chris. I know I will see you next year!
All photographs copyright Chris Bersbach.
Twitter / Facebook / Workshops / About.Me / My Book, Lighting Essentials on Amazon
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I’m enjoying these posts Don. Kudo’s to these guys for jumping in and pushing their comfort level and seeing the results. The links to Christopher’s site don’t appear to work correctly.