I am so enjoying working with the Project 52 photographers. It is one of the things I am having the most fun with. If you are not familiar with Project 52, it is an ongoing project that started last January, and is continuing till Christmas this year… 52 weeks, 52 assignments to push, cajole, inspire, challenge and help photographers get ready for going pro as a photographer. Most of the participants will not be going pro, and several of the folks have already made the transition. We have weekly critiques, and occasionally we meet for fun and to discuss new gear and lighting ideas. Go ahead and jump in any time, the learning is fun and the participation is free.


We used the general voting total for 40% and the pros for 60%. It was interesting to see how the votes went, and thanks to the pros who took the time to vote. I had them vote by email, by the way.

So the contest draws to a close with winners and some wonderful imagery. We are already planning the Winter Contest. If you have any ideas, let me know.

Don Giannatti voted one of the Top 13 Workshop Instructors by Photo District News Readers PollOther news: I am very honored to have been chosen as one of the top 13 Workshop Instructors by Photo District News. More importantly, it was a reader’s poll. That means that folks who attended my workshop voted for me. Wow – that means a lot, it really does. Thank you so much.

The books are in at the publisher, so if you are waiting on a review copy, it is on its way soon. Very excited about some of the things the book promotion will involve.

Off to Singapore next Saturday. I will be there 8 days and will be visiting Kuala Lampur and a few other cool places in that area. Really looking forward to being there and shooting a lot. Watch for Updates from Asia!


Environmental Portraiture is a way of showing something about the subject by showing us their environment. This Environmental Portrait should tell us what they do by looking at where they are shot.

The layout for the shot was provided in PSD layers so that the photographer can put the image into it.

Do not alter the layout. It is a fixed design for this magazine, a ‘feature’ that this magazine runs every issue. “Meet ____ _____”, is a page that is always run on the right side of the magazine, and the copy area is set.

This kind of assignment is found in many magazines and publishing environments, so the assignment helps teach the photographer that sometimes there are parts of the image have already been claimed by the publication. Shooting to layout is an important part of being a professional photographer. All of these images are shot to the same layout.

Let’s take a look at some examples after the break.

Nice use of subject relating to text in this shot by External_Focus.

LE52.29 "Environmental Portrait"
Steve Pamp used excellent lighting and an interesting background for this portrait of a police chief.

LE Project 52: Assignment 29: Environmental Portrait to Layout
Richard Skoon did this quiet portrait in black and white. Subtle light and pose brings us in to the image.

Eric Muetterties chose a shot with lots of space to support the environmental location of this construction shot.

James Eisele delivers a wonderful portrait of a race car driver for the assignment. Pose, POV and light are spot on.

Gray Girl shoots a nice portrait of a nurse in a medical space. No doubt as to this subject’s job.

P52 Wk 29Environmental-portrait Allen
Ron Wa’s golfer fits the layout like a glove.

Fox_Pony found this street entertainer and coaxed a fantastic pose from him.

environmental-portraiture with format
KreegPhoto presented this really excellent portrait of a railroad yard worker. I love the composition and the soft, veiled train cars in the background.

Environmental portrait: Elizabeth June Bergman (r2)
Ranger_9 delivers a very subtle portrait of a dancer. The soft, warm monochrome processing adds to the subtle presentation.

The Cobbler
Christopher Bersbach’s portrait of the shoe maker is made all that more fun by including the soles of the shoemaker in the photo.

Environmental portrait
Alfred_K’s portrait of a jeweler at work adds some very cool lighting – and that flame!

Meet Joe
This photo of “Joe” in his workroom was shot by Pete Hudeck with great light and controlled DOF.

LE Project 52: Assignment Twenty Nine: Environmental Portrait to Layout
{michele} takes a shot of a young man in a rowboat, composes it with some environmental space, turns it into black and white and makes a great page.

Dan Fenwick uses the environment and one of the tools this photographer used to make his portrait have more context.

JS Environmental Portrait 1
Rob_D3 used the page layout as a part of his composition, turning his subject toward the text.

Greg Pas’ photo of this musician is made more powerful when you look closer. Subtle light and wonderful subject engagement help make the shot.

Car Window Replacement Dude
Cheri gets an attention grabbing image of this young man. We don’t know what is going on, but we want to find out. That is good editorial shooting.

Charles Tibbs used black and white and a very tight framing to show this bodybuilder in his environment. The POV makes him seem as though he dominates the space… which he actually does.

project 52,assignment 29
Nickgphoto killed it with this shot of a mechanic laying down in a grease pit. Simply wow, Nick.

These examples of environmental portraiture, with lots of discussion, are seen over at the Flickr Lighting Essentials Forum. You can visit the Project 52 assignment page for an audio critique of these images.

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