30 Cool and Fabulous Images from the LE Flickr Pool
Well, we present 30 images from the pool today. Images that are soft and wild and quiet and loud... but all of them compelling in their own way. As always, the images link to the photographer's Flickr pages so please click and visit. Leaving them a comment always...
Selina Maitreya: What’s Working Now (Interview in Three Parts)
We present a three part look at the current business of commercial and editorial photography through the 'lens' of Selina Maitreya, photographers coach and consultant. Selina's 30+ years experience working with photographers all over the globe has given her a unique...
Shooting Fast: Keeping the ‘Mojo’ Going
Well this was a fun gig. Once per year my friend Troy asks me to photograph his choir kids for a year of marketing for them. We spend about 4 hours and shoot a gazillion images. Neat part... he lets me do what I want. I can be as 'creative' as I want - as long as we...
See Ya, 2009… Looking Toward 2010 With Excitement
Well, here we are. The last year of a decade filled with innovation and stagnation, amazing highs and devastating lows. We enter the second decade of the 2000's in 365 days. A year of endings and beginnings, 2010 may be a defining year in so many photographers...
42 Wonderful Images from the LE Flickr Forum
Well, we enter that last week before the holiday week. That is the week between Christmas and New Years. Another fun post of images from the Lighting Essentials Flickr Pool. Some of the best Flickr photography around. And speaking of that forum, I have decided to kick...
Stay Fresh, Stay Current, Stay Visible: by Daron Shade
Daron Shade introduces CMS (Content Management System) and discusses how it benefits photographers greatly to have a website that they can manage themselves. Far more than keeping the portfolio fresh with uploaded images, a full CMS gives photographers greater impact...
A Passion for the Image
37,000 feet over the Great Plains of these wonderful United States and I find myself drifting off a bit, as the days have been long and nights short lately. The workshops are the most fun I have had in a long time, and they keep me pretty busy. As well, time must be...
“Breaking Out” as a Professional Photographer: Daron Shade
Daron Shade presents a really well written article about 'Breaking Out' and Breaking In to the world of commercial photography. Another of our "Going Pro" series. I hope you enjoy them. Today finds me in Boise, Idaho. The day after a fantastic workshop weekend here....
Selina Maitreya: 4 To Do’s for Photographers (Interview in Three Parts)
We present a three part look at the current business of commercial and editorial photography through the 'lens' of Selina Maitreya, photographers coach and consultant. Selina's 30+ years experience working with photographers all over the globe has given her a unique...
Recharging the Soul with Personal Projects
This is kind of a personal post for me. There are challenges that I face as an artist and writer. And photographer. And sometimes those challenges can take its toll on me, and us. Creativity, for me, takes nurturing and constant practice. I have always felt that...
24 Examples of Emotional Lighting from the LE Flickr Pool
Photograph by Evan Romine. At least they strike me as being lit with the 'feeling' or 'mood' of the photograph foremost in mind. I have made some notes on what intrigued me about each of the images. They will get the ol' juices goin' for thinking about light before we...
8 Essential Sites for Emerging Professional Photographers
A recent posting elsewhere with "5 Essential Photography sites" or whatever, didn't sit well with me. I don't consider a vendor an essential. My vendor may be essential to me, but they are not essential to you. I found the list rather dreadfully full of vendors. So I...
Pittsburgh Overview: A fun and challenging workshop
Well, this was the second to last workshop for 2009 and it had its own challenges. The weather wanted to be a problem, and we were unsure of out talent pool. Talent was wonderful and the weather... while being a little stubborn on Sunday, finally opened up and gave us...
Images from the Toronto LE Workshop
Hi, and welcome to Lighting Essentials, a place for photographers. I do believe that is the first time I have used a welcome, and it had to be done. I guess. Stats show that I am getting new people all the time. Actually I was a bit surprised at all the people who are...
33 Wild and Wonderful Images from our LE Flickr Pool
Image by Don Fadel. Hey... it's been a while. Sorry 'bout that. I have been traveling so dang much that it has been a little hard to get to the site... but I have really got a lot of stuff ready to go. The last few weeks included Boise, Toronto and this weekend it is...
44 Terrific Images from the Lighting Essentials Flickr Pool
COVER PHOTOGRAPH BY MATTHEW DUNN We have another inspirational post from the Lighting Essentials Flickr Pool. 44 terrific images that hopefully will inspire you. I love looking through that pool whenever I have a few minutes. Take your time, and as always, the images...
Selina Maitreya: Trends… or Not. (Interview in Three Parts)
We present the second of a three part look at the current business of commercial and editorial photography through the 'lens' of Selina Maitreya, photographers coach and consultant. First things first: Selina's website is 1PortAuthority.com, and it is there you can...
Controlling Your World With the Lens Cap On
Seems like a crazy thing to say... put the lens cap on. Lens caps make taking photographs impossible. They don't let any light in. Maximum Density Filters ya know. They keep the lens clean and don't let images be made unless the photographer wants them to be made. But...
Are You Using Emotional Lighting?
I am restless. Unsettling so. I am finding myself wondering aloud what the point is of the image in front of me. Is it to delight? Is it to show my how sharp the lens is? Is it to make me see something I may not have usually seen? Is it to show me how many lights the...
Introducing the New Category: Rants & Raves
Time for a new category here on LE. I want to share a lot of things with you all, but it needs to be done on a near daily basis. And that causes some problems with how the longer posts get distributed. The "Rants & Raves" pages may appear daily, with the longer...
Branding Your Photography Business: A Realistic View
Branding Your Photography Business: A Realistic View Brand. Branding. Words that we hear a lot about. “Brand Yourself†we hear from some quarters. “We specialize in Branding†we hear from others wanting to sell their expertise. And consultants want us to...
It’s All About Me! Photographers ‘About Me’ Pages
Creating an "About Me" page can be quite a challenge for photographers. What should be included? How should it read? First person or third person voice? Should there be a client list or should it be separate. Well, let's take a long look at a lot of those questions....
Using a Light Meter and “Placing” the Photographic Exposure
Using a Light Meter and "Placing" the Photographic Exposure Using a Light Meter to Place Exposure: PDF Meters. Some people hate 'em. Some people love 'em. But a lot of people don't know what they do or why they should have one. Well, the gloves come off on this one....
Posing and Lighting: The Synergy and Concept. Guest Post by Eduardo Frances
This morning finds me in Boston. It's cold and overcast, but our goal is to have a terrific workshop. And we will. Eduardo Frances is our guest columnist this morning. He hails from El Salvador and I have profiled him on the site here. I am sure you will enjoy this...