Slightly Random Thoughts on Photography and Related Stuff
A bit of a different sort of post today. I have been working hard on getting to a point that I can take large blocks of time to myself. I need it because I have signed a book deal with Amherst Media and need to get the book finished in a short time frame. I am very...
Lindsay Adler, Fashion Photographer and Author
Today's discussion is with Lindsay Adler, a fashion photographer working in Manhattan. The audio is not the best... sorry, it just has a clipped thing happening. Chatting with some different input devices can be a bit maddening. But the content is what is important. I...
Looking at Portraits from the LE Flickr Pool.
After a terrific busy week, a weekend in Calgary and a workshop in the Phoenix studio with temps outside ranging in the mid 1-teens, I am a bit exhausted. What better way to have some fun than to look at some images from the pool and from some workshop attendees. But...
How Do You Hit a Home Run If You Never Swing At The Ball?
Recently there was a post on a forum that asked "Did You Ever Think You Could Be One of the the Best Photographers?" And sadly, many responses were of the "No, I only want to be fairly good", or "Well, those people are special". Or simply a concern that it was hard -...
“Unsustainable” – MicroStock Comes of Age…er, Not.
Today's short rant before heading to the airport in Spokane and home... Microstock. It has been a contentious part of the 'professional' photography world for quite some time. Today's post "iStockphotos “Unsustainable†Business Model: From Crowd-Sourcing To...
Style Week on Lighting Essentials: Day 5: Kirk Tuck
Style Week Posts: Selina Maitreya Day One Daron Shade Day Two Christian O'Dell Day Three Ivar Teunissen Kirk Tuck Day Five There are few things I love more than taking a photograph of someone. From family to strangers, there is always something to learn from the...
Style Week on Lighting Essentials – Day Four; Ivar
Style Week Posts: Selina Maitreya Day One Daron Shade Day Two Christian O'Dell Day Three Ivar Teunissen Kirk Tuck Day Five Point of View is a defining piece of a photographer's style. Where is the camera in relationship to the subject? It can be confrontational and...
Style Week on Lighting Essentials : Day Three; Christian
Style Week Posts: Selina Maitreya Day One Daron Shade Day Two Christian O'Dell Day Three Ivar Teunissen Kirk Tuck Day Five I recommend starting at the beginning if you haven't already. Today I wanted to take a few minutes and talk about the 'presentation' of the...
Style Week on Lighting Essentials – Day Two; Daron
Style Week Posts: Selina Maitreya Day One Daron Shade Day Two Christian O'Dell Day Three Ivar Teunissen Kirk Tuck Day Five If you have come in at this point, be sure to go back to the first post and start there. I believe that style is innate within each of us. It is...
“Style” Week on Lighting Essentials – Day One; Selina
It is "Style Week" On Lighting Essentials. Each morning at 10AM Pacific we will post a new set of images and an audio interview with a photographer. Style Week Posts: Selina Maitreya Day One Daron Shade Day Two Christian O'Dell Day Three Ivar Teunissen Kirk Tuck Day...
Five Ways to Differentiate Your Photography Business
... and 5 ways you shouldn't differentiate. There are a lot of photographers out there. Actually, there are a lot of really talented photographers out there. What separates you from them? How can you differentiate yourself from the throng? How to stand out, be...
How Do Photographers Learn the Business? Some Thoughts…
My friend Trudy posted a great little article with the question "How Do Photographers Learn the Business? I read it and asked Trudy if I could take a few of her questions and answer them here on my blog. Wednesday evening, September 1, we will have a show based on...
Ten Myths of Professional Commercial Photography
Err... at least the 10 that I hear a lot of chatting about. I get questions about these at nearly every workshop. So a quick post on what some folks think is reality and what IS reality. Yeah, I know... you saw it on the interwebs. Shoots with all the latest and...
Speaking in Seattle Tonight, Teaching Tomorrow
NOTICE: Because of a late plane schedule today, there will not be a Lighting Essentials LIVE show tonight. I will still be in the air at 6PM, and doing it later will mean it is too late on the East Coast. There will be a LE LIVE this Wednesday evening at 6PM. Sorry...
Increase the “Power” of your Speedlights with Photoshop
Lighting Essentials LIVE: Tonight we discuss pricing strategies for emerging photographers. Log in to ask questions. Thanks all for joining us this evening. This post from a year ago has some good information. Yeah... that's right. We can actually create an impression...
John Ricard, NYC Music Photographer: Interviewed on Lighting Essentials
The interview with John Ricard comes after the jump. Click on the "more" link below. Our next Lighting Essentials LIVE Broadcast, Sunday, Aug 22, 2010. Expanded edition (90 minutes). Here is the pre-show material you may want to read before the show. Up first is a...
10 (More) Website Strategies for Photographers
A little over a year ago I posted "10 Web Site Strategies for Emerging Photographers." I think the article holds up very well and is as relevant as it was when I posted it. So please read it if you haven't done so, then come back to this article for 10 more web...
Editing a Portfolio: Ed Z, Philadelphia Photographer
This is the audio discussion to introduce Ed to you all. A discussion with Ed Z, Philadelphia Photographer You can visit his website at EdZStudios.com. We are working on creating his print portfolio in this discussion. I will have done a preliminary edit before we get...
Keith Taylor: Atlanta Photographer. Interview
Meet Keith Taylor, a photographer out of the Atlanta area. Keith has done a bit of everything and his insights into getting started as a photographer are fantastic. Take a few minutes and view his work, and his words and meet this talented shooter. He will be live...
Finding and Identifying Clients for Commercial Photographers
OK... we got the gear and the portfolio is looking pretty good. So now we need to find clients to actually pay us for the images, and help us go from a part-time Pro-Am to a full time photographer. You see, clients may not seek you out - even if your portfolio is...
Then and Now: A Matter of Style
----------- (NOTE) Tomorrow, August 8, 2010 we will have a live discussion on how to go about identifying clients who would be consumers for your work. This is for commercial photographers, we will not be discussing direct-to-consumer photography (wedding and...
If You Have No Customer Skills, No Problem, You Will Soon Have No Customers
I saw the tweet above and just smiled. Yeah, I know what she is going through. I emailed the 'tweeter' and she sent me an email back (reprinted below). I have removed specifics so as not to cause any undue embarrassment of the people who should be embarrassed. So...
Interviews on Lighting Essentials: Get to Know These Photographers
I have had the wonderful opportunity to hear from lots of terrific, upbeat and successful photographers at Lighting Essentials. We have posted interviews with many talented people working in this most incredible business. They maybe aren't the most famous around, but...
Discussion: Social Media and the Emerging Professional Photographer
Well, we tried it with UStream and that was a bust. I think this solution may even be better. You will have the opportunity to ask questions live (and if you have a vidcam, you will stream right on up to me and be seen). I have tested it a bit and seems to work pretty...