Photographing A Dancer: Guest Post by Josh Brewster.
This and all photos in this post copyright Josh Brewster, Austin TX. (Looking for Project 52? Hit the "52" link in categories for all the linky goodness. Visit Project52.org for ongoing assignment notes.) Josh took my workshop in Houston a couple of times. His work...
Project 52, Assignment #3 Still Life
Project 52: INFORMATION. It is important that you all go to Project52.org for assignment notes and more. We have a page there that will show all upcoming LIVE shows as well as other information that we will be giving out as these projects go along. Our schedule for...
Real Estate and Architectural Photographer Scott Hargis Has a New Book
The Essential Guide to: LIGHTING INTERIORS Techniques for lighting with small flash by Scott Hargis Architectural photography has always interested me. I have done a substantial amount of it over my career and I still enjoy doing it when I get an opportunity. I wish I...
Project 52, Assignment #2 Photograph a Stranger: and Selina Maitreya Interview
Audio from this past week's discussion. This is from the Friday afternoon chat. I had a wonderful opportunity to discuss the upcoming Clarion Call 2011, a free teleseminar for photographers, with the talent and brains behind it, Selina Maitreya. You can listen here on...
52 – A Project For Photographers: Assignments, Discussions, Critiques and Portfolio Building. Assignment Number 1
UPDATE: Thanks to all the folks on the Project 52 LIVE last evening. As promised, here is the audio file. It will be linked here for one week, and one week only. Part One Part Two Some things we talked about. 1. The reason we do a 'vision' statement for ourselves it...
2010 Is Done, 2011 Presents New Opportunities and New Challenges
I am flying to Portland for a shoot as I write this end of the year blog. Outside the window it is blue sky above a gray mass of clouds that stretch the entire way from Phoenix to Seattle. Snow in the desert tomorrow. I will be downtown Portland having warm Brandy...
Things I’ve Learned About Photography, Writing, Gear, and Life This Year
Perhaps I should have said learned and re-learned. I am hard headed, and some of the things I know still need a refresher course every once in a while... ya know. This will be my second to last post of 2010. The last post will be on New Year's Eve. I am taking next...
Dispatch from Florida: Anna Maria Workshop Wrap Up
Anna Maria is the last workshop of the season for me. For the past three years we have done that workshop on Anna Maria Island, Florida. We will do next years last workshop of the year on Anna Maria. I love that place and it has so many places to make images. Next...
Running On Empty: Decompression and Evaluation
We are a week from Christmas and I have not updated this site since the Raleigh workshop. Since then, I have been to the Anna Maria Workshop (more coming soon on that one... wow) and finishing up a large project. At the same time, I am working on new content, new...
Dispatch from Raleigh, NC: Notes on the Lighting Essentials Workshop, 2010
Photograph by Eric Muetterties It's about time for the last workshop of the year for me: Anna Maria Island, Florida (Northern tip of South Tampa Bay) and I am so excited about going. I will be working on the final parts of the book, teaching a three day workshop and...
Houston Lighting Essentials Workshop – a Wrap Up
photograph by Karissa Hosek I had a blast in Houston and thought I would share some images from the workshop. These are some of the great photographers we spent time with there. We used Charles Howard's great little studio in a suburb south of the city. His studio has...
Creating Images That Brand – Pushing Toward the Icon
What do I mean by Photographing for your brand? Photographing for your brand is photographing with “intent.” That means making images that have some reason, continuity and stylistic connection to the images that are already a part of your lexicon – that body of work...
Why Do You Make Photographs?
Why do you make photographs? Simple question, really. But have you ever thought about what it is that makes you do it and love it so? (I am making an assumption that you love to make photographs because you are reading this blog and this blog is all about loving to...
Notes from the Lighting Essentials Norfolk Workshop
Photographs by Rasheid Scarlett, our first big contest winner. Norfolk was the little workshop that grew slowly into a wonderful weekend. I put it up and got one sign up... a guy from Poland was going to fly over and take the workshop. No signups followed for quite a...
Is NOW the Time? And 22 Images from the LE Flickr Pool
(Photograph by Tom Seibert taken as on assignment at the Cincinnati Workshop) It's been a while since I have done a post from the pool. Sorry about that. Hopefully this little treasure trove of images will be fun to peruse as you go about the first of November. We'll...
The Last Light of the Day
I love to shoot in the last light of the day. I try to have my camera and be out as the sun gets to about 30 minutes before the sun goes down and 15 minutes afterward. So many changes happening so fast makes it a very exciting and adrenaline driven few minutes. BTW,...
Just a Rant that Started Elsewhere and Ended Up Here
Welcome Back. We are back up and locked down. I have had to remove Registrations for the time being, but will be adding a Newsletter signup for those of you who want to be 'in the know'. At this time the magazine is still down, but it was very old content anyway. We...
Road Trip and Some Workshop Images from Cincinnati
I spent some time in the southern Ohio area on October 8 - 11, 2010. Friday evening I did a "Making the Jump - Going Pro" talk with a large group of photographers in the Cincinnati area. Monday evening I spoke to 45+ photographers at Midwest Photo Exchange...
I Love Photography, and I Am Not On Board with Creative Commons.
RANT. EDIT: Well, first of all, I quoted and gave a link to the PDN site, which is "fair use". I also quoted only enough to qualify as "fair use." So, if I am a hypocrite for working as a blogger and using fair use without buying into a slippery slope of the "right to...
The Hard Life: Embracing and Experimenting with Small Light Sources: by Steve Korn
The Hard Life: Embracing and Experimenting with Small Light Sources by Steve Korn, Seattle Editorial Photographer “Avoid mid-day sun, it’s too hard and contrasty.†“Learning to light, start with an umbrella.†“If your subject is a woman, you should use...
A Positive Look at Today’s Photography Market by Eduardo Frances (El Salvador Beauty Photographer)
Guest Post by Eduardo Frances, El Salvador. Eduardo is a fashion and beauty shooter in San Salvador. Eduardo has been featured on LE before. Another look at today´s market: Positive and I hope inspiring too. (Or how adding a violin soundtrack is not needed when we...
Preparing Digital Files for Printing a Book by Jan Klier (Part Two)
Photograph from a book on northern Arizona to be printed by Blurb. Part two of the Jan Klier post on preparing your files for printing a book. We have a link at the bottom of the page where you can download the entire two part post as a PDF. Part One of this article...
Preparing Digital Files for Printing a Book by Jan Klier
Image from my book on Northern Arizona, to be printed by Blurb. Preparing the Digital File for Book Printing (Part One) by Jan Klier (I am deep into the writing of my first book so there will be some wonderful posts by guests coming this month. It is nice to have...
Photographer Michael Huxley and the Violinist. Breaking Down a Test Shot
Working the thought out from conception to realization. Pre-visualization and tenacity blend to help a photographer go from reacting to an image situation to creating an image situation. It is a very powerful technique. I saw this photograph by photographer Michael J....