“Can’t We All Just Get Along?” – Well, no… apparently. SPAM rage in Adland.
(Photograph by Ryan Hyde.) (As was noted in the first comment, the CD who was the focus of this flap has replaced the website with something less onerous. That may take the heat off of the current situation, but it does NOT change the underlying situation, does it. I...
A Strategy for Going Pro as a Commercial Photographer: Part Two – Preparation
This part two of a series on Going Pro from my perspective, experience and research. (Part One here) This one we call "preparation" because before we can launch into strategical and implementation, we must be prepared. Just as a surgeon prepares for his craft with...
Potpourri Friday: Some new and some old – but all about Photography
From the series: Girls looking off camera at stuff." Well, it is Good Friday, and this weekend will be a blur. But I wanted to get some thoughts down before I hit the schedule for the upcoming Project 52 and workshops. First from the web: Some really good reads: From...
Need Inspiration: Try “Immersion”
Have you ever needed some inspiration? Maybe the batteries were a little low and the doldrums of creative deadlock begin to swirl around your camera. Maybe you had to do something really creative and simply needed to see some stuff to “get the juices going.” And then...
What Do You See When You Look at a Photograph?
What do you see when you look at a photograph? Simple question. How you answer it may reveal what you find important in imagery. I was once in a gallery at a large Arizona University. We were looking at a show of a photographer who had just completed his Master’s...
Some thoughts on Photography as I wait for a plane in Omaha
I am in a hotel in Omaha as I write this. Kind of a jumble of ideas and notes I wrote while thinking about my place in the world. I know what you are thinking… right now my place in the world is Omaha. Right, but I was really thinking a bit more metaphysically, so...
A Strategy for Going Pro as a Commercial Photographer: Part One: Discovery
It is one of the paradoxes of our business that one cannot get assignments until one has done assignments. “How do I get assignments if I don’t have any work to show the clients” is an often-heard complaint. And it is a complaint not without merit. It is tough to get...
One Light Portraits: Examples and Discussion
There is something about a one light portrait that gets to me. I don't really know why, but I do love the look. Sure, I can use the sun as a second light, but that's OK - I still let it be a single light portrait with a lot of backlight or sidelight or whatever. Heh....
Project 52 : Working to Go Pro With a Real World Approach
I just got off the phone with a wonderful photographer in the Midwest. Bill is working the direct consumer market, but looking to break into the commercial market. His area is not the most cosmopolitan, being a small town about an hour or so from Memphis, but Bill is...
On Location with the GamiLight: A New Softbox for Speedlights
I use a mix of lighting as anyone who reads these posts know. I do not favor convenience over ability at all. I will pack a ton of gear - and be fine if we don't use a quarter of it. It is there if I need it, and when I do, I really do need it. There have been some...
My Drive Through the Wet Foothills of the Sierras
Last weekend I did a workshop in Sacramento. It was a small, but very vibrant group. It also rained both days... all day. We made do with a nice rental studio on Saturday, and a hotel conference room on Sunday. When it would clear for a few minutes, we headed out to...
Lessons. Learned: How One Photographer Fought Back Against a Very Contentious Client
The article below was written by a friend of mine in the New England market. He has asked to remain anonymous, so we will respect that and only say that he is a damn fine photographer, and this story of determination against a client that had much more means, is a...
Six Photographer’s Blogs that “Get It”
I love blogs. I think they are a revolution in publishing, and the effects of a democratized publishing platform have not been truly revealed. They give people who may never have had a chance to publish an elegant and rich platform. Words, video, photographs, graphs,...
Why Being a Photographer is Like Being a Jazz Musician
I love jazz. I always have. I can remember the first recording of jazz my dad played on our brand new stereo. It was a recording of Benny Goodman's Quartet with Buddy Rich on drums. I thought it was fascinating and glorious music. I didn't tell a soul that I liked it....
Featured Photographs from Project 52: Part One
Project 52. 52 weeks of assignments and critiques for those wanting to go pro, or be more professional in their approach to photography. The site is Project52.org and there is a ton of stuff there already. Audio crits with images to follow along with, information on...
A “GPS” For Our Photography… Yeah, That’d Be Nice
I have been quite busy this past two weeks. Many, many distractions taking me away from the work - and lots of work to be taken away from. It has produced a quagmire of challenges. I rarely miss a deadline, and I work very hard for my clients. Even the ones I don't...
Deciding What “ART” Is, Or Is Not, Can Be Quite Instructive
A Little Rant today. "I saw Cady Harran wearing army pants and flip-flops, so I bought army pants and flip-flops" -- Mean Girls. Recently at APE a post entitled "Why We Love Bad Photography" made me pause and consider what that meant to me. It ended up consuming quite...
Setting Goals: Is It Important for Photographers?
Yeah, we heard it all through our early schooling; "Set you goal to achieve..." And there are countless gurus out there teaching seminars and workshops and holding 'retreats' on the "Art of Decisive Goal Planning and the Strategic Paradigm of Unilateral Ubiquity..."...
The Sassimi Collection: The Ins and Outs of Shooting a Catalog
I recently completed a job for Tera at Sassimi, a boutique fashion designer in Seattle. And while she is small for now, she wants to grow her business. I think she will do well. Oh, and you can visit her site here at Sassimi.com. (For those looking for Project 52,...
A “Visionary Website”: My Talk with Selina on Clarion Call on Saturday, 2-12-11
Thanks to Selina for a wonderful opportunity to discuss the 'visionary website' and how being engaged with your clients and prospective clients through your website can be a strong tool for photographers. I will be speaking at 11:15AM EST so for you in CST it is...
How to be Incredibly Average and Never Breakout as a Photographer
I work with photographers on a one to one basis. I will only work with those who are really interested so we have a discussion on what is expected from both sides before the engagement. This weekend I had a conversation with a young photographer who wants to be...
Still Life with One Light in the Studio: “LIVE” on LE
This article is a look at the creation of a simple still life with one light in the studio. See it after the jump. At this point I want to remind everyone of the incredible opportunity this week. Selina's amazing Clarion Call is this coming Thursday/Friday,...
Some Examples from the Still Life Assignment
Photograph by Chis Martin. NOTE: If you are looking for this week's assignment, please go to Project 52, assignment five. You can see it here on LE as well. We are entering the month of February, and we are already at assignment number five... "the weather". The work...
Project 52, Assignment #4 Photograph an ‘Entrepreneur’.
Assignment Number Four: Entrepreneur Portrait Due before February 7, 2011 Posts at images at Flickr Lighting Essentials Group. Tag image LE52Weeks-4 You have been assigned by a national magazine for a photograph of a local entrepreneur, you have two weeks to put...