This is the last weekend of October. Only two months left till the new year, and hopefully some new directions. Seems like I always think of January, June, and September as transitional months. Maybe from all those years in school… I dunno.

But change is in the air, and I know it is not just me from talking to a lot of people. Both in this industry and outside of it. Photographers have seen huge changes, and the digital onslaught keeps on coming. We seem to be chasing technology more than images some days. I wish I could have half the hours back that I spend on screwing around with the tech. Plug ‘n Play… my ass.

$3K computers from three years ago have to be updated to play simple software… software that is needed to do the things we need to do. Yeah – it is cheaper than the old days, but it is a lot more time intensive. A lot more.

Part of our lives I guess.

Well, anyway, I am starting this “End of the Month” potpourri posting thing where I can finally find a place for all the little things that haven’t made it into the posts that I wanted to.

First: New Contest is in the works:
The winner will receive… me. For two days. A one-on-one workshop either in the winner’s city, my studio, or a third city that the winner would like to shoot in. There are some caveats… aren’t there always.

  1. I will use my Southwest Airlines Frequent Flyer Miles for this, so I need to fly to an airport that is close to the winner’s home. I like to drive, so let’s say within 2-3 hour drive from an airport with Southwest’s flights. ‘K?
  2. Southwest doesn’t fly outside the borders of the US, so that will mean I will not be coming to anywhere where my passport is needed. However, if you want to enter, and think you can get to the US, I will cover your plane fare to Phoenix from any Southwest airport. Round trip, of course.
  3. If I come to you, I pay my own hotel and rental car. You buy lunch. If you come to me, you pay for your own hotel and rental car. I buy lunch. If we go to a third city, we split rental car, pay for our own hotel rooms and buy one lunch each – oh, and you will have to pick up your own airfare – I am using a round trip ticket.
  4. We will make some video while we are shooting, and we will broadcast out to the Lighting Essentials visitors at least twice during the two days.
  5. They do not have to be weekend days.
  6. Winner will be responsible for getting the models if models is what they want to shoot.

The winner will be announced sometime the first week of January. We gotta get the workshop done within 6 months of the winner being chosen… hopefully 4 months. I did mention 3rd city (San Diego… heh.) I am still working out how we are going to do this… I am seeking maximum buzz on this.

You may notice some changes on this blog within the next few weeks. I am working on getting a new look and feel ready, and the change will be rather quick. There may be a day when it is down, but I will let you know when it is coming.

Stuff I think You Would Be Interested In:

I love doing what I am doing, but some things have gotten in the way, and now it is time to clean the office of the mind and clear out some old things that are not working. My third book will be finished and off to the publisher by the end of November. I will then immediately start a fourth book that will discuss more of the holistic approach of photography/social media/marketing/self awareness approach that will create a simpler, easier ‘flow’ toward keeping the business out there. No baloney – no pie-in-the-sky crappola. Just my views and how they can help you make choices about how connected you are gonna be.

By the way, I am no longer supporting my old company name: Steel ID. That is a name of a firm, and I am not wanting to be a firm any longer – just me. I am my brand. So the new site for the other things I do is, interestingly enough, named: Wild, huh? I am going to have to move the photography out from underneath it to a new home, but that is later.

I would also like to ask your indulgence. I have been doing this blog for quite a while now, and the focus has been somewhat on the emerging and semi-pro photographers. There are so many other sites that handle using small flashes, and how to light airplanes with a gazillion strobes and how cool it is to shoot 35 days on location with super models… I have kept the focus here on the little things that keep us normal working Joes and Josephines going.

But I also wrote a book on lighting. And the ‘lighting’ part of this blog is a little diminished of late. My question: would you all like to see more lighting posts? Serious posts about shooting and lighting and propping and styling and posing… Your thoughts are welcome – either in the comments, or on the Facebook page or by email.

Thanks for following, stay tuned for more info on the whacky contest.

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