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Instagram URL: @totallyswellstudio
Facebook Page:
Phone: 904-377-9438
What brought out your interest in photography? How’d you get started?
Always been interested in cameras and making photographs but was consumed by music so I never took the time to learn photography properly. It wasn’t until my music career slowed that I picked up a camera and a book about photography. That was about 13 years ago. When I get into something I get deep into it.
What is your favorite subject matter – and why?
People. An expression can be the most powerful subject. It wasn’t until recently that I realized I had a way of making people feel comfortable in front of my camera, mostly because I’m awkward myself. When the subject gets comfortable I get more daring. Photography brings out a personality in me as much as my subject. Sometimes I leave a job feeling introspective.
How long have you been pursuing a career (or part-time career) in photography?
3 years professionally
Who or what is your greatest influence?
My greatest influence is myself. Once I stopped following and mimicking other photographers I started to follow my own path. I’ll see where it leads me.
Describe your dream photography job. What makes it so?
To stay with a variety of jobs. Some days I want to shoot action and some days I want to shoot food. Rarely is action combined with food!
How do you think your work is unique from others? What makes it yours? Style? Subject matter? Context?
I’m probably the least dramatic person you will ever meet but any sort of drama within comes through in my work if I give it enough time. Same with music. Once I get comfortable and find my confidence I start to notice dramatic improvements.
What is your most effective marketing strategy so far?
Networking, being nice to people and always doing what you say you’re going to do. People talk and word of mouth has been my biggest ally.
What is your pet peeve about photographers (or photography)? Or do you simply not have one?
Trends. Not really a pet peeve but if I’m in the right mood I will go on a rant!
What personal projects are you working on at the moment?
Film. All kinds. Completely obsessed at the moment. Starting to shoot film on paid jobs. Also very much into storytelling lately.
Your most favorite 5 pieces of gear are?
Nikon 58mm, Sigma 135 1.8, Nikon FM2n, Godox flashes, ThinkTank Airport International Bag
Bonus: What/who do you listen to during long editing marathons?
Wide variety of stuff that varies from jazz to rock and even (real) country.

Have you wanted to take a look at the Project 52 workshop without committing for a year?
Well here is your chance. An 8 Week Project 52 Pro Membership is ready for you to get into - NOW. And it is the full deal. All of the resources, assignments, reviews, webinars and more are there for you to work with. This is NOT a truncated offer, but a full opportunity for you to take advantage of the most unique photographic workshop on the internet.
Real-world assignments, with art direction, layouts, brand ID info and more. This is shooting just like a commercial photographer in any city shoots. And it is an introduction to a lot of different genres, styles, challenges, and subject matter.