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In The Frame is delivered once or twice a week, with our flagship publication on Sunday. These are full of real information, image deconstructions, links to photographers you should know, and discussions of gear that doesn’t happen in most other publications.
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Behind The Image: Selections 3-12-17
I chose nine images to look at today. These were all gathered from recent Project 52 assignments, and I think you will find them very intriguing. Project 52 introduces photographers to the real world working environment of assignment photography. The challenge of...
David Harry Stewart is a photographer that I have been following for many years. His work touches every point in my aesthetic list, and it was a super treat to speak to him last Tuesday. David Harry Stewart Website Instagram Behance Ageist...
Behind The Image: Still Life
The assignment was to focus on textures and patterns for backgrounds or surfaces. These photographers created images that blended texture / subjects together to make images that are compelling and draw the viewer in. Let's take a look at the images. Barbara...
Interview: Jason Scott Montoya: Path of the Freelancer
I had the pleasure of interviewing Jason Scott Montoya about his upcoming book, Path of the Freelancer. The book is a deep dive into the world of freelancing. The book is available for pre-order now at Amazon. Path of the Freelancer is available in soft cover at this...
Personal Sports Equipment: Five Examples of Lighting
The assignment was to shoot personal sports equipment (non-team sports). The photographers gave us some very nice shots, and the ways they came up with them really rock. Rainie Mills gave us a workout box with an example of its use. The key element in her image was to...
SPROUTS!!! Love ’em or hate ’em?
The assignment was to shoot Brussel's Sprouts. Anyway you want. Some people do not like Brussel's Sprouts, and some people love Brussel's Sprouts. Couldn't find anyone who was ambivalent to them. Either love 'em or hate 'em. The image above is by Karen Green who...
Behind the Image: Nicole Fernley
Nicole shot these images for the Still Life Class. The idea was to shoot a portrait and a landscape of the same image to see how the subject matter changes in the POV of the camera. She wanted a very soft, natural feel to the light. The photo at the top shows the...
06: Assignment Six; A glass of wine on location
This shot cannot be done in a studio, the client would prefer it be done on location. Snow is good. Desert is good. Trees are good. It's all good because their tagline is "It's Always a Good Time for a Good Wine" (Please drink responsibly means probably not while...
05: Assignment Five: Industrial Magazine Cover
This is a fun assignment. An art director needs a cover shot for an industrial trade magazine. Which industry? Whichever industry you choose – but it is industrial. Mechanical… build stuff! The gig can be one of three approaches. People: This shot would be a worker,...
04: Assignment Four: The Game of Chess
CHESS as a Business Strategy We read about chess masters. There are movies made about chess and those who play. An esoteric, and definitively challenging game of wits and skill. Like business. Your assignment this week comes from a business magazine (Forbes, The...
10 Black and White Portraits That Look Like Film
From some of the students in the 8 Week Black and White Class comes this selection of ten images that really look like film and paper. The assignment was to make sure the image was designed to look as though it was shot as a black and white, not simply a converted...
Daily Critique / Image Review: 1-17-17
This is an ongoing feature of Lighting Essentials, a Place for Photographers. We will be looking at images on a consistent basis. The images will all be work from my 8 Week Workshops or Project 52 Pros. These critiques will be short, but very informative and full of...