Lot’s of lighting tutorials with charts, graphics, ideas, examples, and deconstructed images to help you find your own vision using lighting.

Yours free when you subscribe to “In The Frame”.

Also included is the introductory course in finding clients in your area. This course is 2.5 hours long and it will show you how to find clients in your town or city. Even if you are in a rural area, this course will help you find real paying diets.

In The Frame is delivered once or twice a week, with our flagship publication on Sunday. These are full of real information, image deconstructions, links to photographers you should know, and discussions of gear that doesn’t happen in most other publications.

Go on and grab your free lighting book – only available to subscribers of the newsletter – and make some wonderful images.

(Subscriptions are found in the popups or you can visit this page for more info.)

How To Find Your Style (Video)

How To Find Your Style (Video)

How to Find Your Style in Photography. We find it looking back at our output, not ahead at someone else’s. Imitate. Assimilate. Innovate. - Clark Terry It is not what you shoot, it is how you shoot what you shoot. Most of us start out shooting everything that comes in...

Behind the Image: Shoes

Behind the Image: Shoes

The assignment was to shoot men's or women's shoes. Keeping in mind all the parameters that shooting footwear demands, the photographers did a wonderful job. Here are a few of the best.

The Headshot Ebook: For You

The Headshot Ebook: For You

John McAllister is a talented and hard working photographer in High Wickham, Buckinghamshire. He specializes in product and people photography for commercial clients who expect exacting standards and high creativity. In order to serve his corporate and headshot...

My Utah Trip With Maciej

My Utah Trip With Maciej

A few weeks ago, photographer Maciej Blaszczuk and I took a road-trip together. This was a consultation with him on how to grow his business, where to go with his new ideas, and how to implement them in order to be more manageable. I help photographers focus, and I...

Behind the Image: Pour Shots

Behind the Image: Pour Shots

The assignment was to shoot a pour shot, and the P52 members really stepped up. These four shots caught my eye not only because they are really fun but because their approach and setups were quite well thought out. I hope you enjoy the little critique and BTS shots by...