Lot’s of lighting tutorials with charts, graphics, ideas, examples, and deconstructed images to help you find your own vision using lighting.
Yours free when you subscribe to “In The Frame”.
Also included is the introductory course in finding clients in your area. This course is 2.5 hours long and it will show you how to find clients in your town or city. Even if you are in a rural area, this course will help you find real paying diets.
In The Frame is delivered once or twice a week, with our flagship publication on Sunday. These are full of real information, image deconstructions, links to photographers you should know, and discussions of gear that doesn’t happen in most other publications.
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A Premium Filter System from K&F Concepts
Filters come in all shapes and sizes... and qualities. This is a premium product, clear, well made, and a bit thinner than most of the cheap filters out there. I use them when I am on the motorcycle, and when trekking. Usually I take them off when I shoot,...
Lighting Class: Classic Side Light (Part One)
Review: The Under $100 35MM, F2.0 Lens by Yongnuo I saw this lens on Amazon and thought, "Oh what the heck. It's less than a $100 and if it sucks, so what." It doesn't suck. It's fast, clean, full-frame, and bright. Pretty sharp where it counts. It...
Lighting Class: Classic Beauty Lighting
Using one main light, and reflector boards, a photographer can do an amazing classic headshot lighting. Here are the work slides for you: And these are my...
Lighting Class: Bottles (Learning to see Reflected Light)
Does It Really Take 10,000 Hours To Become a Good Photographer?
When Malcolm Gladwell wrote his book, "Outliers" he had a chapter devoted to the "10,000 hours" rule that intimated that it took 10,000 hours of practice to become good at something. I think this single criterion has been fairly criticised by people who think that it...
BLACK FRIDAY IS FREE at Lighting Essentials
SPEND BLACK FRIDAY WITH DON GIANNATTI Well, that was a lot of fun. Had a few technical glitches, learned what not to do next time and how to what I want to do better. Next time coming soon. Really soon. We recorded each session and the videos are here on the page for...
The Image Is The Thing
Becoming a “Photographer” - or being a “Photographer”… what does that mean, really? Does it mean that you now have a top of the line camera? Does it mean a bag of lenses? Does it mean an awesome set of studio lights? Or a light meter? Boom? Storbs? (inside joke,...
After 6 years of single start dates, it is time to move the workshop to a monthly subscription service that allows you to join, do assignments, communicate with and learn from peers, and most of all have a highly creative experience. We call it Project 52 Pro System...
10 Questions That May Predict Your Success as a Photographer
Commercial photography is a lot of fun, and it is a lot of work. Hard work. Some of it mind-numbing boring work, but more important than most anything else you do. Understanding what we do, who we do it for, and what its value is can be a crucial part of getting work...
A New Workshop for Learning Video
CREATE A 2-3 MINUTE VIDEO FOR SELF PROMOTION LINK to Enroll. We do it together. Creative Approach > Storyboard > Simple Special Effects (Slow Motion, B Roll, etc…) > Shoot Video to Storyboard > Assembling Assets: A Roll / B Roll / Audio > Building Video...
You Must Believe BEFORE You Will Ever See Success