Keeping Focus and Moving Toward a Post-COVID19 World with Don Giannatti

Keeping Focus and Moving Toward a Post-COVID19 World with Don Giannatti
I am honored to be speaking to the membership of ASMP about my ideas on moving forward away from this “lockdown”. My focus is on what has remained and what has changed and utilizing our vision to help make the transition to what is new.
From the ASMP bulletin:
Three Books That Will Boost Your Success Quotient
These are three books that I think every photographer should read. I believe it is best to read them in order left to right, but do it any way you want to do it. They are full of practical examples, actionable processes and scripts to get you thinking...
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A Premium Filter System from K&F Concepts
Filters come in all shapes and sizes... and qualities. This is a premium product, clear, well made, and a bit thinner than most of the cheap filters out there. I use them when I am on the motorcycle, and when trekking. Usually I take them off when I shoot,...
Lighting Class: Classic Side Light (Part One)
Review: The Under $100 35MM, F2.0 Lens by Yongnuo I saw this lens on Amazon and thought, "Oh what the heck. It's less than a $100 and if it sucks, so what." It doesn't suck. It's fast, clean, full-frame, and bright. Pretty sharp where it counts. It...
Lighting Class: Classic Beauty Lighting
Using one main light, and reflector boards, a photographer can do an amazing classic headshot lighting. Here are the work slides for you: And these are my...