
I have known Selina for many years. I have all of her books, and have trained with her. I consider her a mentor, coach and friend.

Selina has joined us here on Lighting Essentials many times, and each time is a delightful experience for me.

Selina was perhaps the first commercial photography rep in Boston (or perhaps anywhere) and she represented some of the biggest names in the business. Today she is working with photographers to help get them motivated, moving and most importantly… out of their own way.

I have known many photographers who have gone through here one on one’s and her portfolio rebuilding exercises, and all have benefitted greatly from the experience.

Now you have the opportunity to experience Selina’s approach to becoming all you can be for absolutely free.

Take some time to listen to these videos and open your mind to the possibilities that are all around you.

I am really enjoying these videos… I hope you do as well.

Register for the free video course here.