Time for a new category here on LE. I want to share a lot of things with you all, but it needs to be done on a near daily basis. And that causes some problems with how the longer posts get distributed. The “Rants & Raves” pages may appear daily, with the longer posts appearing for only two days before going to the archives. I will do a monthly Archive Roundup for the long form articles that get posted. I hope this works out like I think it will, but we’ll see.
2010 is only 3 days away. Things are going to have to be different for the next decade, and the final year of this decade is our training time. 2010 will see where Social Media is going, and whether it is as we all think it is, or another blip along a long road of understanding the digital world. 2010 will see us all working with smaller markets and smaller budgets and smaller teams. And still there are creative gigs to be had.
Emerging photographers will be working toward establishing more credibility and entering the field. Established photographers will be working toward understanding a shrinking market, and finding new and innovative ways to build their businesses back up. Beginning photographers will meet some stiff competition, but will be finding ways to get their feet in the door and get work.
So let’s get to it.
Recent Articles from December:
Images from the Toronto Workshop
Stay Current, Stay Fresh, Stay Visible
Branding Your Photography Business: A Realistic Approach
Pittsburgh Overview: A fun and challenging workshop
42 Wonderful Images from the LE Flickr Pool
We will be discussing a lot of things on these Rants & Raves, and I want it to be as fresh as I possibly can make it. If you have a tip, send me a tweet, or an email. I appreciate all of the wonderful information that comes my way. And if you would like to be interviewed on LE, send me a note and I will get it in the works.
Right now, this announcement is the point of this post. Bookmark the Rants & Raves category, if you would like to follow along.
From the net, we have these interesting articles and sites:
Wonderful Machine is an agency for photographers. Fun to look at the images there.
An Interview with Neil Binkley, PDN Judge for Self Promotion (via APE)
Kirk Tuck has a nice article on finding mentors and learning from exceptional people.
How to Design to Delight is about design, but it can all be applied to photography.
And for a delightful laugh, the Worst Photoshop Disasters of the Decade.
Tomorrow: 8 Essentials Sites for Photographers.
See you then.
The link you provided to the Worst Photoshop Disasters page, is to a page that is pretty much using the work of photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com. I’m thinking there has to be some infringement going on at the one you linked too and maybe at PSD too. PSD might be fair use because it’s educational but… I dunno.