I had the pleasure of interviewing Jason Scott Montoya about his upcoming book, Path of the Freelancer. The book is a deep dive into the world of freelancing.
The book is available for pre-order now at Amazon. Path of the Freelancer is available in soft cover at this point.
From Amazon:
“Freelancing Is Difficult. Are You Ready For This Rewarding Challenge?
After the shutdown of his marketing firm, Jason Montoya unexpectedly had numerous business owners and non-profit leaders requesting his help to solve their organization’s communication problems. Facing numerous challenges as a new freelancer, he quickly integrated his business insights to move through the many familiar obstacles he faced. He then began sharing with other freelancers a framework of eight vital achievements, see below, that took him to a state of personal and vocational flourishing. Behind these covers, he dives into these mile markers, unveils a blueprint and shares personal stories to help guide and equip other freelancers in their difficult but rewarding journey.”
Treat this as a podcast. Not much visual interest in the Youtube, but massive audio experience. I hope you enjoy this interview with Jason Montoya. He has lots more information on freelancing at his two websites.
Jason’s website: jasonscottmontoya.com
Path of the Freelancer website: pathofthefreelancer.com
If you are a freelancer or thinking about becoming a freelancer, you need this book.
A big thanks to Jason for spending time with us.
Get on the list for more information. Enrollment starts soon.