As many of you know, I had a pretty rocky third quarter with some serious health issues. They took the wind out of my sails, so to speak, and I had limited energy to work on the things that I loved.
Lighting Essentials is one of my favorite things, but I had to keep the newsletter going, and finish a book project in the last few months of the year. LE paid for that time allotment crunch.
In that time, I have done some soul searching, and some planning and some thinking on how better to serve the photographic community that I love so much.
Lighting Essentials was, I believe, one of the more original voices out there, with articles and content that was more personal in nature – and as such, it had a good run. It did.
Now is time for a reboot. LE will continue on with a new mission of education. Focusing on the commercial photography genre, I hope to bring a lot of fresh content here for photographers who want to be professional in either attitude or business – or both.
Lighting Essentials began as a lighting centric website, and we are going back in order to go forward.
(My more personal essays will be under the rants section, and they will continue on the newsletter for those who enjoy them.)
2014 is my “Teaching Year” and I am taking it very seriously. Project 52 and Lighting Essentials will endeavor to bring new and exciting articles to you with a special focus on commercial aspects.
More Lighting articles.
More gear discussions, but from my POV of non-gearhead. Yes, non-gearhead gear discussions. You’ll see.
More photography discussions and some introductions to some of the greats in the commercial arena.
More looking at photographs… much more.
This is the next iteration of Lighting Essentials and the reboot comes on February 1. 2014.
Lighting Essentials, V2.0. Coming soon.