Back in the fall I was discussing an idea about maintaining a portfolio over multiple platforms with Scott Forman, a photographer in Omaha. Scott is also a terrific coder, as you will see.
My idea has always been to make it very easy for photographers who do not have coding skills to be able to maintain their portfolios without having to resort to a flash based system.
I wanted a place where the portfolios could be created, moved into categories and sorted to image order. And then, with a push of a button, the images are out on a photographers or designers website. Actually, web siteS.
Having a blog and a website and maybe a social media page or a Tumblr shouldn’t mean having to open up each and add/modify images for each platform. With GalleryPro, that becomes un-necessary.
Scott took my ideas, and started researching. By Christmas we had a pretty good handle on what it was going to do and now – well, we are in Beta and very very excited about the whole thing.

With GalleryPro you maintain your portfolio at one place on the web, and publish to any multiple of sites
And with GalleryPro you only need to copy a tiny line of code for the WordPress sites, or very few for traditional websites. Cut and paste… seriously easy.
We have a full set of features now, and more on the way. We are looking for some Beta users, so if you have a couple of sites and would like to try out GalleryPro, there is a lot of info on the site for you to check out. Let us know if you want a Beta account and we will set you up if possible. We have had a pretty high level of interest and we need to go slowly into our production servers to be sure we are totally secure.
BTW – no rights grab, no fuzzy copyright language… it’s your stuff, your images. Our TOS will simply state that you are allowing us to publish to the places YOU have set up on your account. We ain’t gonna do anything with YOUR work.
Here’s a video for you. After you watch it, head on over to to check out all the other cool things it will do.
See you next time.