by Donald Giannatti | Dec 29, 2016 | Featured, LE News and Info
INTRODUCING LIGHTING ESSENTIALS V4 LIGHTING AND MORE FOR SERIOUS PHOTOGRAPHERS ; Here we start the new year with a bang… a big bang. Lighting Essentials has always been a quiet site for a select group of serious photographers and that will not change. However, I...
by Donald Giannatti | Nov 8, 2016 | LE News and Info, PROJECT "52"
PHOTOGRAPHING CHOCOLATE: A SWEET CHALLENGE ; Photographing chocolate is very challenging. For one thing, humidity and temperature can play a big part in what the chocolate looks like. And chocolate is very susceptible to damage from fingerprints, casual bumping...
by Donald Giannatti | Oct 2, 2016 | LE News and Info
I was truly disappointed that my Alaska trip was cut so dramatically short. I didn’t expect it, and I was not really ready to give up on that idea. (I will do it next year, or the year after if I have to.) The back pain forbade me doing any camera work, or...
by Donald Giannatti | Aug 8, 2016 | Featured, LE News and Info, PROJECT "52"
The 8 Week Portrait Classes had a July challenge of a “summer portrait”. Winner was decided by photographer Nick Giron, a very good portraitist himself. Here are the...
by Donald Giannatti | Aug 1, 2016 | LE News and Info
OFF TO ALASKA... AUGUST, 2016 Daily updates at Phoenix to Fairbanks website. ; I decided last August that this year I would do something big, something challenging. When I told my wife I wanted to do something to really get back in touch with my creative side, she...
by Donald Giannatti | Jul 27, 2016 | Featured, LE News and Info, PROJECT "52"
"Journeys" - A Photography Show in Houston Artist/Photographer: Paula Puffer ; “Journeys” Photographs by Paula Puffer Journeys consists of selected images from several bodies of work photographed by Paula Puffer since her mother’s death in 2010. Works that...