by Donald Giannatti | Jan 23, 2018 | Featured, Going Pro
Try these for a real boost to your client list SEO. Yes, SEO. It is so very important these days. I know we keep hearing that SEO is dead, but that is really just BS. It is alive and kicking. If you are unable to do it well, hire someone who can. I found a few very...
by Donald Giannatti | Jan 12, 2018 | Featured, LE News and Info
These are three books that I think every photographer should read. I believe it is best to read them in order left to right, but do it any way you want to do it. They are full of practical examples, actionable processes and scripts to get you thinking about your work,...
by Donald Giannatti | Jan 5, 2018 | Featured, LE News and Info
A PREMIUM FILTER SYSTEM FROM K7F CONCEPTS IT ISN'T CHEAP, IT'S REALLY QUALITY GLASS ; Filters come in all shapes and sizes… and qualities. This is a premium product, clear, well made, and a bit thinner than most of the cheap filters out there. I use them when I...
by Donald Giannatti | Dec 26, 2017 | Behind the Image, Featured
THE UNDER $100 35MM F2.0 LENS BY YONGNUO THIS IS A PRETTY AWESOME LENS, FOLKS ; I saw this lens on Amazon and thought, “Oh what the heck. It’s less than a $100 and if it sucks, so what.” It doesn’t suck. It’s fast, clean, full-frame, and...