“What Do You Charge For? EBook

Last summer I wrote four articles based on the five scariest words a beginning photographer can hear... "What do you charge for..." It ended up being nearly 20 pages, and it can definitely help you work through some of the myriad questions that haunt us when we don't...

6 New Books I Have Ordered

From Amazon: "W magazine is renowned for its avant-garde fashion stories, those elaborate confections of magic and mystery that have inspired and captivated readers for more than two decades. This volume gathers 10 of the most remarkable stories, each in its entirety,...

A Simple Tool for Shooting To Layout

Shooting for the web has created some interesting configured imagery. From very wide and narrow images for banners to tall and skinny images for side bars, shooting to layout is as important as ever. Here is a simple video for making a viewing tool that can help you...

Trends to Watch in 2015

Trends I am noticing: Social Media Thinning. Photographers are becoming more selective in where and how they spend their time in social media. This is a good thing. Not every SM platform is right for you and what you do.Facebook may be find for consumer shooters, but...