02: Assignment Two: The Incredible Egg

02: Assignment Two: The Incredible Egg

"THE INCREDIBLE EDIBLE EGG" Yeah... it is a popular headline, but that is what the client wants. The Design Company is located out of your area, but wants you to shoot this because you have been consistently marketing to them with great work. A local restaurant supply...

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Announcing Lighting Essentials V4

Announcing Lighting Essentials V4

Here we start the new year with a bang... a big bang. Lighting Essentials has always been a quiet site for a select group of serious photographers and that will not change. However, I have decided on some new content ideas for the upcoming year. MY LIGHTING WORKSHOP A...

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06: Subject Properties: Part Two

06: Subject Properties: Part Two

Matte Surfaces These are surfaces that are not as rough as texture, but not smooth either. Skin, cloth, natural leather, finished woods and many food items are examples. Most of what we deal with in our daily lives would fall under the Matte surface example. Matte...

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07: Subject Properties: Part Three

07: Subject Properties: Part Three

Shiny or Glossy surfaces: The third of our major surface efficiencies is glossy or very shiny surfaces. The complete opposite of the textured surface, the glossy surface will record the reflection of the light source absolutely. That means we have to be very careful...

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Mike Moore: Surf Shoot

Mike Moore: Surf Shoot

Mike Moore is a Project 52 alumni, and has been building his business in Encinitas, CA for a few years. His specializes in food and lifestyle, especially beach lifestyle. This is a personal project Mike shot at a surf event in Encinitas, CA. 1.) Tell us a little about...

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The Games We Play; Find the Shot Before Moving On

The Games We Play; Find the Shot Before Moving On

One of the things I like to do is to play visual games. I have several to share with you, but this one is one that anyone can do. Anywhere, any time. First; I believe that if we are to call ourselves photographers, we must photograph. Make pictures. Make images....

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The Origins of Halloween, 2016

The Origins of Halloween, 2016

Just before Halloween (October 31, 2016) the assignment for the Project 52 students was to shoot to layout for this fictitious piece. The magazine layout is a two page (spread, or "double truck") and calls for the photographer to be very cognizant about what is on the...

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Attention to the Details

Attention to the Details

Paying attention to the tiniest of details is one of the jobs of a commercial photographer. And rarely do details matter more than when shooting chocolate. Chocolate dust, scratches, fingerprints, and the chalky white of damaged edges can draw the eye to the problems...

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What Is A “Photographer” Anyway?

Photograph of me making a photograph on my iPhone in Rocky Mountain National Park by Grey Gibbs Recently, my friend and fellow artist Jerry OConnor and I took a drive/ride to Superior, AZ to do a little video of me blabbing about being a "photographer". I wanted to...

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Back to Work… Again

Back to Work… Again

I was truly disappointed that my Alaska trip was cut so dramatically short. I didn't expect it, and I was not really ready to give up on that idea. (I will do it next year, or the year after if I have to.) The back pain forbade me doing any camera work, or walking...

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Off to Alaska

Daily updates at Phoenix to Fairbanks website. I decided last August that this year I would do something big, something challenging. When I told my wife I wanted to do something to really get back in touch with my creative side, she said, "well then, what do you want...

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