Pop’s Wallet. (Essay Four)

My dad passed in 2000. He lingered on in a kind of a funk for so long, and got a little... well... uncharitable toward the end. When we finally talked him into hospice, he was so thankful for their kindness and really enjoyed his time there. After he passed I was...

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Roots. (Essay Three)

When I was in my early teens I happened upon some photographs by Weston, Cunningham and Adams. I had been making photographs for a few years. Just casually, no real intent in the work other than to have a keepsake of the place. Many of us start out taking images that...

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My First (Real) Camera – Essay 2

I am not a camera geek. I don't get into all the machinations of new this and new that. Not a part of my DNA it seems. I tend to find something I like and stick to it as long as it works for me. I watch other cameras with shiny this and awesome that and think "wow,...

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“Coming Home” – Essay 1

“Coming Home” – Essay 1

Today is August 8. An interesting day for me. It's some sort of milestone that people celebrate, but I usually spend some time to look over the next 12 months and make some plans. Recently someone told me about an '30 essays in thirty days' project. I have no idea if...

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In Tall Trees

I spent a couple of days in the forests and mountains around Seattle a few weeks ago. I hope to go again. I am a desert guy. Lived in the deserts most of my life, and I find them fascinating - maybe due to my design predilection for minimalism. Not sure really, but...

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The Olympian Image Dust Up… Are There Lessons?

The Olympian Image Dust Up… Are There Lessons?

Over the weekend a 'controversy' began with a small firestorm of criticism of the images of American Athletes taken at a "media event" in Dallas. The images show cut off limbs, torn background papers, shooting off the sweep, terrible lighting and a longer list of...

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My New WordPress Theme and Info Site

My New WordPress Theme and Info Site

WordpressThemesForPhotographers is a new site at the URL I used for selling my WP sites. We are no longer selling those sites, but will be offering customization and initial setups of Wordpress Themes for photographers, designers, artists and small business. I will be...

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OT Sunday: Hot Shots, Drums, Books and Jazz

OT Sunday: Hot Shots, Drums, Books and Jazz

Hey Hot Shot is a photo competition held by the Jen Bekman Gallery in New York. Featuring the work of up and coming photographers, the competition introduces new ways of seeing to an ever widening audience. It is certainly one place to go on the internet to see work...

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The Black and White Portrait

The Black and White Portrait

I am an old school film guy. It's true. It's also true that I have embraced and love digital. Seems to me that photography gained a whole new set of tools with the addition of digital. Of course, many folks treat everything they do as some sort of 'team' affiliation...

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Memorial Day, 2012. Some Thoughts.

Memorial Day, 2012. Some Thoughts.

Memorial Day... always comes on a Monday. The all important three day weekend. Sales on mattresses and big screen TV's. Beach, sun, the start of summer. I am rather quiet on these days. You see, there is another reason for this holiday. Long forgotten in the lowered...

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WordPress Themes that Rock: “Bloom”

WordPress Themes that Rock: “Bloom”

I love this theme from Theme Forest. Bloom could be just what you are looking for. Clean, neat, responsive and full of custom features. This is a theme that would be a comfortable fit for a photographer, a designer or an illustrator. It would work for a small boutique...

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