Photographs from the Lighting Essentials Flickr Pool

We are so blessed with talent over at the Lighting Essentials Flickr Pool. This weeks selection is wonderful and exciting, cool and hot – all at the same time. This group has 27 very nice images to inspire you and lift your spirits.

Before we go down the pool to see some of the amazing work that has been collected here, I would like to mention a few things that are happening here at Lighting Essentials.

Workshops are in full swing. Seattle this weekend, and Tampa area next weekend. Then we have the special Mexico workshop on the horizon. Check out the workshop site, for more information.

Our contest for February is drawing to a close, so get your submission in before Saturday night. You can see the current monthly submissions at the contests page. Special thanks again to and Mighty Imaging for their support on this contest. We are getting ready to announce the assignment for March by this coming weekend.

Be sure to see our latest Tech Sheets. They range from a three page tutorial on using Tilt-Shift lenses, to using a couple of speedlights to add a little hint of natural light to a non-natural light set.

On to the great images from our Lighting Essentials Artists. As usual, the images link back to the photographer who created them. And as usual, any image that may be considered NSFW is at the bottom of the page and there is a warning for you before you get there.

Have fun!

Learn to Light with inexpensive tools at Lighting Essentials


Too long


Shoe Series with Gwen Lindvig

Oakley Guy


The Speedster






Emma Jayde

Elaine, white seamless


Emma Jayde

Ellen - Philly Strobist Meetup (Aug 24, '08)



The Transporter


———————————-NSFW Images follow this point.

Please be aware that there are some Lighting Essentials photographers who shoot images that may be considered Not Safe For Work in some workplaces. Thank you for understanding before scrolling any further down the page. Thank you.

Omaha Nebraska workshop is enrolling now. Limited enrollments, so sign up now

Barely Whi.te

Red Is Her Season

Barely Whi.te

undressing an Indio

Busy Wear Swimwear

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