Do we think that by having a great twitter feed and a bunch of cool likes on 500pixies or GPus is the same as having buds? Friends?
People to hang out with – and NOT at a keyboard while in our underwear… real interactions.
I can say unequivocally that the difference that being connected 24/7 has made in the photography business (BEYOND the cameras) is profound.
My studio in Phoenix was always the center of a lot of social activities. Models, MUA’s, stylists, photographers, people in the arts… they would drop by, especially on Saturdays. Just to chat. Just to hang out.
It was a really fun time.
Now… not so much. The studio is there, but the people are hooked to their devices, their networks… and the effort it takes to go ‘somewhere’ is not worth it because when they get there, everyone would be on their devices anyway.