Assignment Number Four: Entrepreneur Portrait
Due before February 7, 2011

Posts at images at Flickr Lighting Essentials Group. Tag image LE52Weeks-4

You have been assigned by a national magazine for a photograph of a local entrepreneur, you have two weeks to put together something cool.

This photo will run as either a full page lead to a story or a cover. That will be an 8.5 x 11 size. On the day we make the assignment, we will also include a layout.

To shoot directly to the layout (click here) and download the layout in PSD layers.
NOTE: Shooting to the layout is optional for this assignment, but all other parameters must be followed.

These are the assignment particulars:

Vertical Image
8.5×11 ratio.
Watch for the placement of the “Title”
Use “Forbes”, “Inc”, and “Business 2.0” for stylistic suggestions.

A local entrepreneur has just been nominated by a national conference as the number one leader in his/her industry… a new and upcoming industry. The magazine needs an image that shows the person in either an environment that shows their working area, or how his/her business/industry effects _____ (environment, people, energy, people or technology).

You must deliver:
2 photographs, the entrepreneur’s business description (faux, of course) and a paragraph that explains what the entrepreneur has done within their industry. They will both be vertical. One close up in environment, and one in a more expansive shot with more environment. We also would like to see your shoot planning docs, any sketches you are working with or have done for this image, and a lighting explanation.

Here is a page of images tagged “editorial portraits” – and it is an interesting set if images for sure.

Photographing an entrepreneur is sometimes a challenge of personalities, time and logisitics. They are, by nature, usually not very patient. They are busy, and they want to keep working on their thing… not take time for the side-stuff… You (photographer) are often the ‘side stuff’ and it can be quite an adventure to deal with someone who is of a single mindest while keeping the client happy as well. Don’t be surprised if that 30 minutes you were given to make the shot turns into 8 minutes… with no warning.

Logistics means you will probably have to scout a location and pack the lights that make sense to you for your image, time and environment for the shot. Having the ability to make some choices in advance is a welcome situation that is not always available.

Assign your narrative and carry it through. Work with the lights you know. Share with us your plans and we will jump in and offer suggestions at the Flickr page. Plan the shoot carefully.

When a photographer gets an assignment like this it is important to find out as much as you can about the subject. I want to know what the industry is about, and how the subject got started and what others think about them.

I also want to be able to have a conversation with them, so being aware of what they are passionate about can be the difference between having a good connection with the subject and simply taking a photo. You will find that you can get more time, and have more access when you are someone who is interested in what they are doing.

NOTES: Workshop next week in San Diego. Next workshop is Austin, Texas. I am looking forward to coming to Austin and having a chance to work with the Texas photographers. I have been to Dallas and Houston, but this will be the first time I have had a workshop in Austin. More Workshop Info.

Clarion Call 2011:
I am so excited about Selina’s Teleseminar for Professional Photographers. I will be discussing planning a website and what to think about. There are 13 other presenters, so get ready for an amazing two days. Click the banner below to be taken to registration – it’s free to listen. Cool, eh?
Selina Teleseminar

See you in a few days with a video and we meet this Wednesday night from my studi