Mexico Workshop for Lighting Essentials, April 2009

I don’t use this site to overly promote the workshops, but this Mexico workshop is rather special. We have people from all over the country coming to these Rocky Point Workshops.

Location: Las Palmas Resort in Rocky Point, Mexico

Flying in to Phoenix International? Let me know and we will get you down to Rocky Point with our caravan. Rocky Point is a safe trip into a safe area of Mexico. We do, however, travel as a caravan.

This is a full participation workshop.

We do more shooting on this workshop, and focus on environmental portraiture and beauty portraits. It is everything the other workshops are, with a more intense schedule. We are all staying at the Las Palmas so we start really early and we work until folks want to turn in.

The main casita (3000 SQ FT) serves as our base, with projectors, lighting gear, tutorials. a swipe file and more. We meet there mornings, midday, and at night. We process and edit, while working with each other to raise the bar. I do recommend you have a laptop. We do have a wireless access, so you can check email as you are working.

Special for this workshop:

The Girls of Rocky Point Calendar is being shot during the workshop and you have the opportunity to be involved. The shoots are early morning and late afternoon – before and after the workshop – and are totally voluntary. If you want the experience of working with models in a professional shooting atmosphere, this will be an outstanding experience. There are 5 shooters involved, and you can work with them on the shoots. You will be able to make some shots of your own at these shoots.

We eat, drink and speak photography the whole weekend. And we shoot, edit and print as well.