25 more hot shots from the Flickr Pool

Well, the pool keeps gettin’g deeper, ya know. I was perusing it last night and realized how many incredible pics had been added recently. This pool is really rich with excellent photography. I want to build the forum up a bit, and if anyone has questions and such, that is a good place to post them as well as here.

I want to take a minute and thank everyone for their tremendous support for the past year. It has been a crazy time, and it is made all the more wonderful with readers who help get the word out. It is so cool to read an email from someone who got the link to Lighting Essentials from a friend or on a blog.

That’s cool.

Just a reminder that Lighting Essentials has its own RSS Feed, so you can be notified when we update. I want to remind everyone that there is a wealth of information already here so if you haven’t clicked on the category links above, take some time to do so. Grab a cold drink, or hot tea and spend some time looking around.

We are going to try the live broadcast of a shoot this weekend, so watch for the time on the Flickr group and here. Also, you can follow me on twitter where a lot of the announcements will be made as well. See my site for links to the twitter channel – dongiannatti.com.

Well, let’s take a few minutes to look at some remarkable imagery. The images all link back to the photographer’s Flickr pages, so you may want to take a view of their work as well. And leave a comment or two if you like the images. On to the fun…

NOTE: Some images may be NSFW.

Learn to Light with inexpensive tools at Lighting Essentials

Tiff in Shades


Neli Felix at the Cathedral in Hermosillo, Sonora


Dirty Laundry

Look at Me World









Rose Hill Adventure- Amanda




Dancing in the Sand


Briana in textures


Emily 044

