25 cool shots from the LE pool

Well, as the year grows to a close, I am happy to see so many wonderful images in the Lighting Essentials Flickr Pool. I went through the last 10 pages or so last night and found these excellent examples of using light to make a shot more interesting. They are all linked to the shooter’s Flickr page,so click on through and spend some time with some talented photographers.

What’s up with us? We are working extremely hard on the next workshop iteration for next year. We have some new techniques, some great new ideas, and the workbook that is growing to nearly a total book at this point.

We have launched a new site specifically for the workshop at www.learntolight.com – it isn’t ready yet, but it will be before Christmas. Based on an excellent WordPress theme called “news” it is the same template as the LE Magazine site. We are really looking forward to having our own site for the workshops.

Workshop schedule is here:

We are still looking for hosts for many of the locations, so take a look and let me know if you are interested in being a host there. Attend free for doing some legwork on the ground helping us get the word out.

Now, on to take a look at some of the recent examples I spotted on the Lighting Essentials Flickr Group page. NOTE: I may have missed some other wonderful shots, these are the ones that jumped out at me at first look.

Learn to Light with inexpensive tools at Lighting Essentials

Some outstanding images from the recent posts at the LE Flickr page. Enjoy.


The Models


A boy a fairy and big dreams

She knows she rocks!


A Calvin Klein Kind of Girl



Mary Ellen (3)

Coco the Cowgirl

Blair's Winter Headshot

Merry Christmas...

Right outside Boo's Warehouse


Christina of the Heartland

Rain on the horizon

Taken by Jerry O'Connor at Boo's Warehouse

Light and Shadow

Shot #2


Lydia 1690



Check it out..